[En-Nut-Discussion] Bug #2826991

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt at embedded-it.de
Fri Jul 31 10:10:47 CEST 2009


> condition.c
> msg.c
> mutex.c
> semaphore.c

I'm using mutex.c quite often to model consumer / producer problems or
to lock concurrent access to uarts or other ressources. So I'd vote to
leave at least the mutex in the os directory. The others could be moved


or a similar directory...

> What do you think about nut/gorp/compat?

Ok for me too, but does not realy give a hint what is mend.



|                                                             |
| Embedded-IT                                                 |
|                                                             |
| Ole Reinhardt        Tel. / Fax:        +49 (0)271  7420433 |
| Luisenstraße 29      Mobil:             +49 (0)177  7420433 |
| 57076 Siegen         eMail:    ole.reinhardt at embedded-it.de |
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