[En-Nut-Discussion] DBGU interrupt code..

Remi Bilodeau remi.bilodeau at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 21:37:57 CET 2010


My code is not Nut/OS native. It more handy to have working piece of code to
modify, it more easy.

2010/1/20 Ulrich Prinz <uprinz2 at netscape.net>

> Hi!
> I'll try to look at that code later, but my intention was a bit
> different. You can use your code and get the trick with the system
> interrupt. That should work with Nut/OS or without.
> My intention was to re-use the existing USART code and get the trick
> with the system interrupt. I'd like to see drivers for the same thing
> looking the same. And a DBGU is just a reduced USART.
> That would avoid having the third code handling USART in NutOS.
> Best regards, Ulrich
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