[En-Nut-Discussion] Enabling ADC on EIR

Wiegelmann, Jörg Joerg.Wiegelmann at ces-tronics.de
Wed Nov 3 11:45:04 CET 2010

Hi folks,


I use the ADC Funktion on EIR. The ADC on EIR is implemented, working and tested by me. Unfortanatelly the ADC is disabled on the EIR Hardware. I'm enabling the  function with the following hack in the arm.nut conf file:




        name = "nutarch_arm_adc_at91",

        brief = "AT91 ADC",

        description = "ADC interface for AT91 (currently SAM7 only).",

        requires = { "HW_MCU_AT91SAM7X" },    <-------------------------------------------XXXXX

        provides = { "DEV_ADC" },

        sources = { "arm/dev/at91_adc.c" },



My hack:



        name = "nutarch_arm_adc_at91",

        brief = "AT91 ADC",

        description = "ADC interface for AT91 (currently SAM7 only).",

        requires = { "HW_MCU_AT91SAM7SE" },    <-----------------------------------------XXXXX

        provides = { "DEV_ADC" },

        sources = { "arm/dev/at91_adc.c" },



Now my question: Can anyone modify the conf-file, so that it is possible to enable the ADC on EIR? Perhaps Harald? I have no idea to modify conf-Files. Does anyone have an documentation about this?

Thank you and best regards




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