[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 4.9.10 EABI binary support (Reply: Rémi)

Remi Bilodeau remi.bilodeau at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 15:57:07 CET 2011

I have added support for EABI or ELF format, when using NutConf or qNutConf.
Make sure in Setting->Repository file is the current repository.nut in SVN
directory. I hit bug on this, because qnutconf do not want to keep my
setting and the file is always in

Change the repository.nut BEFORE loading your config script (.conf), load
your config script and you can see the binary format setting in Tools.

This must work, but you can add manually the EABI setting, add this line to
your .conf file



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