[En-Nut-Discussion] Any Work-in-progress or else for the XMEGA

Ulrich Prinz uprinz2 at netscape.net
Mon Mar 14 21:29:54 CET 2011


Sure there are a lot of advantages that the ATxmegas propose compared to 
those without the x. But I found out that all these promised features 
are already available on the CortexM3 from other Manufacturers at the 
same or even lower price. And these other chips are available :)

And to all those who think that ARM must be something big an complex, it 
isn't. I ported Nut/OS to it in less than three weeks with a little help 
from others. It was my first port ever. So the CPU must be easy to 
understand and use, I guess.

I use DMA with the CortexM3 running at full speed to some peripherals 
and it supports minimum 2-Page DMA to any peripheral. So you can have 
continuous data flow in any direction. This works even with ADC by just 
setting up some bytes, so you have one or multiple channels read and the 
values written to one or multiple locations per channel.

Take a look at the STM32F10x Series and choose from the feature/memory 
matrix the chip you like. It already works in Nut/OS, just take the 
devnut_m3n branch.

Best regards

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