[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut/OS and GSoC

Ulrich Prinz uprinz2 at netscape.net
Mon Mar 14 21:54:57 CET 2011


Looks like the response is a bit slow on this idea :)

Nevertheless I think about offering to be at least a backup mentor. I do 
mentoring at work too for our students so why not here too?

Am 25.02.2011 10:10, schrieb Harald Kipp:
> Hi Thiago,
>> We need to figure out a list of ideas for students.
> Right, Ole sent a few ideas already. This is not too easy, because the
> time for the student is limited.
There are mail to me of students from other lists that (again) build up 
internet radios. So why not offering a version two of the EIR as a 
project but with less components, modern architecture (Cortex) and a 
user interface (OLED/LCD/Touch)
>>> Some time ago we loosely talked about establishing a legally
>>> incorporated organization for Nut/OS. Although not required for applying
>>> as a mentoring organization, may be it is a good time to think about
>>> this idea again.
>> What would that enable us? I'm not sure what are the advantages or down sides.
> No doubt, the disadvantage is additional bureaucratic work, which
> developers naturally try to avoid.
> The main advantage is, that the project will become less dependent of
> egnite, which may attract more users. During the last months I had been
> quite busy with other stuff and it's nice to see, that the project moves
> on, nevertheless. It seems important to me, that the community takes
> over more control. You may have noticed, that I already added a few
> long-term contributors to the admin list at sourceforge.
I miss my name there :)(SCNR)

> In case of GSoC I'd disclaim the 500$ paid by Google to the mentor. My
> company would also contribute Ethernut hardware. To handle this, it
> would be helpful to have a legally incorporated organization.
> Soouuuu...for now we have 3 people announcing their interest. IMHO, it
> won't make much sense to move on until we have a few more. Note, that we
> should offer more than one project and that we need a backup mentor for
> each of them. Although it is possible to escort more than one project.
So I offer beeing backup mentor for one or two projects. This time only 
backup as I already read the big text you mentioned above and I have to 
keep an eye on the time. I.e. the mentoring has to be kept up even I am 
busy with my every day work. And I didn't do GSoC mentoring before. So 
the text rates me as a possible successful backup mentor.

Let's throw the project proposals on the table so everyone of us can see 

Best regards

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