[En-Nut-Discussion] DHCP

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Tue Nov 29 12:37:39 CET 2011

Hi Ulrich,

On 28.11.2011 23:39, Ulrich Prinz wrote:
> Could be that it is related to the same problem as connection
> recognition is. The stack doesn't see if the connection is broken and so
> it cannot take any measurements to restart.

DHCP is connection-less.

> Am 28.11.2011 21:15, schrieb Michael Hellwig:
>> updated my program accordingly and found that the lease I got is not
>> renewed. After 8hrs the ethernuts are not responding anymore and I have
>> to restart them. There is no hardcoded IP-address in the eeprom and I
>> tried several example codes to no avail.

Quite some time ago that we've tested the lease time renewal. But there
hadn't been many changes in this area, so it should still work.

>> Is anybody out there using DHCP with NutOS successfully?
>> Im using Nut/OS

We prefer to use DHCP and it works very well. Umhh... almost, except...

Depending on the compiler/linker version, the stack space that is
allocated for the DHCP client may be too small.

Change to ethernut-x.y/nutbld, add


to UserConf.mk and run

 make clean all install

I assume, that your toolchain binaries are reachable from the PATH



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