[En-Nut-Discussion] Feature Request: Create Application Directory" for (q)nutconf

Ulrich Prinz ulrich.prinz at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 8 14:59:48 CET 2012

Hi all!

If you develop with nutos and use (q)nutconf you like to press the
button 'Create Sample Directory' and have your build system set up in
the given directory.
But if you develop lots of your own projects you might not like to
have all the examples installed.
This gets even more disturbing if you implement new architectures and
have to add and change nut/app/Make*.* files that are used to create
the needed NutConf.mk and others in the top application directory.
With every 'Create Sample Directory' call the examples are reinstalled.

So I guess it could help to add and sort the Build->xxx menu like this:

1) Create/Update Application Directory
2) Copy Examples to Application Directory

Option 1 only creates or updates the given application directory
Option 2 calls optionn 1 and then additionally copies over all non
existing files from the nut/app directory.

3) Copy Hardware Testing Code
There could be an Option 3 after we moved out the hardware driver test
examples like eeprom, PCF expander and others that are very hardware
dependent to a different directory.
Option 3 then calls Option 1 and additionally copies all non existing
files from that driver test directory to the application dir.

How about that?


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