[En-Nut-Discussion] TCP sockets stuck in closing state

Coleman Brumley cbrumley at polarsoft.biz
Wed May 13 04:53:50 CEST 2015


Thanks, I've applied that change to my tcpsm.c 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: en-nut-discussion-bounces at egnite.de [mailto:en-nut-discussion-
> bounces at egnite.de] On Behalf Of Harald Kipp
> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:35 AM
> To: Ethernut User Chat (English)
> Subject: Re: [En-Nut-Discussion] TCP sockets stuck in closing state
> Hi Coleman,
> On 11.05.2015 21:57, Coleman Brumley wrote:
> > Harald,
> >
> >> Quite some years ago there had been some trouble with short lived
> > connections at high
> >> frequencies and also with sending a large number of tiny segments. We
> >> set
> > up simple test
> >> cases to address this problem and were able to fix it.
> >
> > Is this documented somewhere, maybe in the discussion archives? I
> > could find no reference to it.
> Best reference for pre-4.10 versions is the Changelog file in directory
> within your Ethernut installation directory. The fixes I talked about are
> already part of 4.8.
> Hey, while looking into it: You are using 4.8.7, right? At least this fix
> http://sourceforge.net/p/ethernut/bugs/115/
> may be worth to upgrade to 4.8.8 (if it applies to 32-bit CPUs also, of
> I'm not fully sure). I'd recommend to upgrade at least to 4.8.9. A change
> the third member of the version number only states, that you will not be
> annoyed by any new "features" or incompatibilities. Just bug fixes.
> Upgrading from 4.8.X to 4.10.X is a bit different and may result in
> problems.
> Regards,
> Harald
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