[En-Nut-Discussion] Custom linker script

Coleman Brumley cbrumley at polarsoft.biz
Wed Sep 9 17:10:09 CEST 2015

> >>>>> "Coleman" == Coleman Brumley <cbrumley at polarsoft.biz> writes:
>     Coleman> Hello.  Can I copy at91sam7x256_rom.ld to my local directory,
>     Coleman> and will that override the linker script in the ldscripts
>     Coleman> folder? I need to modify the location in flash where my
>     Coleman> software loads from.
> Hello,
> the linker script is sreach for in the library. So your approach won't
> For your approach you would need to adapte th linker sraech path.
> ./conf/tools.nut already has
>    at91sam7x256_bootrom     = "AT91SAM7X256, code running in FLASH,
>    bootloader in FLASH (code entry at offset 0xC000)",
> as linker selection. Why can't you use this feature?

Because I'm using 4.8.7 (and I cannot upgrade) which doesn't appear to have
this feature. 

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