AW: AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] NutThreadSetPriority

Oliver Schulz Oliver.Schulz at
Fri Dec 5 14:36:25 CET 2003

Hi Yuri,

> as you may see, there are 4 httpd threads. but there are also TWO rxi5
> threads...
> for as much as i know, the rxi5 thread is the ethernet 
> receive thread...
> shouldnt there be 1 rxi5 and 1 txi5 thread, instead of 2 rxi5 threads?
There should be just ONE rxi5 thread, for sure. This thread is created by a call to NutRegisterDevice (eth0,...);
So be sure not to call this function twice!

A transmitter thread does not exists, however if a thread sends some bytes to the nic, it is suspended until the transmission of the packet is finished.

Here a code snippet from httpd:

        char *thname = "httpd0";
        thname[5] = '0' + i;

You can see here, that the string index [5] is the char '0', not the termination character. If you use a shorter name like "main", you must supply one byte for the numbering ("main0") and of course adjust the index 5 to 4..

If you use "NUTTHREADINFO *tdp = nutThreadList;" outside the loop, tdp points always to the last created thread, when this assignment is executed. To make it work correctly, assign the return value of NutThreadCreate to tdp!


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