[En-Nut-Discussion] Development Environ - general questions

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Tue Feb 4 15:09:31 CET 2003

>I'm curious why it wasn't plug compatible, (assuming that the answer may be
>related to the PonyProg pinout)

Ponyprog and all other ISP programmers use the ISP interface
of the CPU, while ATJTAGICE uses the JTAG interface.

>* ATJTAGICE (probably don't need PonyProg anymore?)

No, you don't need any programmer any more. ATJTAGICE uses
the JTAG interface of the ATmega128 for debugging as well
as software up- and downloading.

>* Is there a "startup tutorial" somewhere to answer all these questions?

Not really.

>* Is there an advantage - code quality, debug-ability, etc. with either
>AVR-GCC 3.3 or ICCAVR 2.62C ?

Both allow source code level debugging. Watching variables didn't
work with previous version of GCC, but should work now. Haven't
tried that.

>* Does everybody use AVR Studio 4.04 that has the ATJTAGICE? Are there
>alternatives? Can it debug the C code at a source level, or only asm ?

Both, disassembly as well as C code. See

>* Is it typical to use external editor for C source, then how do you debug
>in C/asm using AVR Studio?

You have to setup a Studio project, but you can still use an
external editor.

>* Has everyone moved to NutOS 2.60 ?

Don't move now. 3.0 is in the final testing.


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