[En-Nut-Discussion] More problems with uart or stream io

Hugo Simon hugo.simon at gmx.de
Wed Jul 14 20:44:45 CEST 2004


another problem with the usart lib or maybe with the stream io.

If I write:

char buffer[30];
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), uart);

1. I get no echo, regardless of the local echo setting (I mentioned that
2. If I press some BS during input I get senseless results. E.G. If I remove
the whole text using BS I mostly get a few characters from the text with
some stupid character between. I thing the BS are simply included in the
string instead of interpreted as removal of the character before like it's
in other C's

Is there a fix for these things or do I have to write a whole new fgets
Or how do you read strings from serial or maybe a telnet session?


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