[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut/OS Version 3.9.5 icc compilationis OK now

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Tue Feb 8 15:19:51 CET 2005

Jean Pierre,

good to hear that you got it working.

The reason for eboot becoming larger is probably because
of the compiler version.

Memory banking won't influence nutinit.c, the new code
has been added to initialize the RTL8019 early. Otherwise
this chip may disturb the external memory bus on Rev-G
boards with EEPROM emulation.


At 14:04 08.02.2005 +0100, you wrote:
>I reinstalled the new version 3.9.5 from scratch. all is in order.
>And Eth1.3F starts now. I don't know why ;-)
>(New version is bigger than the old and with appli, reaches 4K eboot section
>here. It could be a reason of freezing)
>I have to understand and adapt nutinit.c for my application because I use
>specific I/O for specific memory banking.
>Jean Pierre

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