[En-Nut-Discussion] [OT-Question] @ Egnite / Kernelconcepts Team(s)

Andreas Longin Andreas.Longin at fhtw-berlin.de
Wed Jul 20 17:43:02 CEST 2005

@Ole Reinhardt
First - sorry, for writing in my native tounge. I thought there is/was 
some kind of connection between KernelConcepts & egnite (at least in the 
@Ole Reinhardt & Harald Kipp
Thank you for your quick response, it brought up some ideas how to 
reason my decision for the ethernut solution (except for the obvious 
one, that it was already property of the lab). I just stumbled upon this 
x86 implementation and thought "WOW so much functionality in such a 
small package for $19.95 - where's the hook, and how should i explain, 
that i did not choose diese eierlegende Wollmilchsau (sorry, but i don't 
know an english equivalent - maybe this superchip) instead of ethernut"

Thanks again to both of you

Andreas Longin

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