[En-Nut-Discussion] Updated Info web page (4.4.0 / 4.5.0)

Paulo Silva psilva at opensoftware-br.com
Mon Feb 11 23:26:42 CET 2008


I had the same problem with installation of ethernut-4.5.0, and did the same you to install.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ernst Stippl 
  To: en-nut-discussion at egnite.de 
  Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 5:01 PM
  Subject: [En-Nut-Discussion] Updated Info web page (4.4.0 / 4.5.0)


  I have updated the http://www.es-business.com/ethernut/ webpage to include
  Nut/OS version 4.4.0 and 4.5.0beta in the Nut/OS-to-compiler-version table.
  It took a while to add this info because I have still not figured out how to
  install multiple WINAVR/WINARM versions in parallel on Windows Vista. So I
  got my old XP system out and ran the compiles there. 
  The 4.4.0 Xref Info is there since some time, because I produce it on a
  Linux box.

  Speaking about 4.5.0beta: Something strange happed during the installation:
  When running ethenrut-4.5.0.exe on the XP system, the windows of the setup
  program did appear but no buttons where displayed like "continue" "next"
  "back" and so forth. BUT: clicking on the area of the window where I
  suspected the button to b, actually produced a click and so I could install
  Maybe it was just late...



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