[En-Nut-Discussion] FTP server on Ethernut V 1.3H

Ulrich Prinz uprinz2 at netscape.net
Sun Aug 30 13:57:23 CEST 2009


I don't have a enut 1.3 board, but in general, if you want to use FTP 
you need something to fetch files from or to store them in. These boards 
do not have any storage device of an interesting size for an FTP, so the 
filesystem is not activated by default.

So you have two options. Either you attach an external storage device, 
like an SD-Card or you build a virtual filesystem inside the small RAM.

You didn't tell about your intention, why you need a FTP for your 
system. But if it is for fetching logfiles or measurement data, then you 
should think about faking a filesystem and put your mesaurement results 
into there. The FTP then can fetch and delete the file but not read.

Best regards,

Fam. Willems-Vermeiren wrote:
> Hello,
> We have an Ethernut V 1.3 H and we would like to use this board to run a FTP
> server. Can somebody tell me if this is possible ore not please?
> In the sample program "ftpd" I read the following: "This application
> requires the PNUT file system, which is not available on Ethernut 1.x or
> Charon II." Does this mean that it is not possible at all to run a FTP
> server on Ethernut V1 board because of hardware limitations or can this be
> solved by software?
> Thanks in advance,
> With Kind Regards,
> Bart Willems
> Belgium
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