[En-Nut-Discussion] Register hostname for Ethernut

Daniel ziu82 at gmx.de
Fri Dec 4 15:41:22 CET 2009

But this is not a problem of Ethernut, it is part of the network setup.
It is the task of your customer to configure his own network.
An ethernut device is just a node in the network.
In the same thing as a phone device is not responsible for making a public
phonebok entry.

You might think about cheap DSL routers, which often provide such a
functionality, but this is only possible because they usually provide the
basic network structure including DNS services.

But when I configure a normal PC (running Windows or Linux) with a hostname,
then I access it in the network via ist hostname. Shouldn't this be working
with a Ethernut board also?
On my Router with DHCP Server, the Ethernut board's entry has already the
hostname "ethernut". But I cannot access it by this name. 


B.Walter <bernd at bwct.de> http://www.bwct.de Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O
Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.

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