[En-Nut-Discussion] Make, .svn, and deleting a MsgQ

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt at embedded-it.de
Wed Feb 3 12:03:26 CET 2010

Hi Curtis,

> I've recently had the fortune to return to writing NutOS apps, and have 
> run into some stumbling blocks.
> First -- why do  the tarballs contain the .svn directories?  Did someone 
> miss reading up on the "export" command?

Which version are you talking about? At least the lastest tarballs which
you'll find here http://www.ethernut.de/en/download/index.html
does not contain the .svn directories. Do they?

> Second, the out-of-the-box makefiles are broken, in that they omit 
> "ipdemux.c".  Not sure if running the configurator fixes this, as I've 
> never had it work.  How could something like this slip past pre-release 
> tests?

Using the in-path Makefiles is more or less deprecated. If you need a
command line only version use nutconfigure instead of nutconf.

But we happily accept your patches!

> Thirdly, question 2 of "nutsetup" offers an option "0) No standard", but 
> will not accept it!  The loop requires PLATFORM to be set before it will 
> exit.
> And finally, I've noticed there's no corresponding Free function to 
> match NutMsgQCreate.

> Looking at what the create does, I can see it's a non-trivial matter -- 
> ensuring you remove it from the message queue chain correctly, purge is 
> list of timers, stopping them if needed? ...

Again we happily accept your patches :) AFAIK the message queues are not
widely used and formerly designed to be created once and always used,
never freed. Indeed it would make sense to have a Destroy function too.




Thermotemp GmbH, Embedded-IT

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